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Covid-19 Updates

Update 23/10/2020

In case you haven’t been in recently, here are the latest changes you’ll likely notice during your visit to our salon -


The gang have been back working our usual opening hours and as a complete(ish) team again. Some of our days off have moved around to reduce the squad size on any given day, as you may notice when trying to book an appointment. Margaret is now frequently brightening up a Monday, though!


As per government guidelines, we require all our clients to wear a face covering, whilst in the salon, unless exempt on medical grounds. Your stylist will be wearing both a face shield and a mask, for theirs and your safety. A supplementary charge of £3.50 applies to all bookings, for a mask and all the additional PPE/single use items we provide you.


In case you’re getting arm fatigue from tapping that contactless card here, there, and everywhere, we are accepting cash again.


Oh, and good news – We’re also accepting walk ins again!! If you find yourself in town and fancy a spruce up, come and see if we can sort you out.


We can’t wait to see you soon!

Your Marc Pearl team ♥️

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Update 12/06/2020

(Amended 29/06/2020)

In light of us being open again from July 4th, a slightly more comprehensive guide to the "new normal" at Marc Pearl Hairdressing:

First, and most importantly, if you have any symptoms relating to Covid19, please do not come to the salon. For our, and our other customers safety, we will happily re-book you for another time.

Please also understand that if your stylist has shown any symptoms, we will have to rearrange your appointment for yours and our safety.


All services must be by pre-booked appointment only. We will not be able to accommodate "walk ins".

Please wait outside the salon upon arrival. Your stylist will welcome you in only when their equipment and work area has been thoroughly cleaned and prepped for your appointment.

Your temperature may be taken when entering the salon using an infrared thermometer. If it's above the normal expected level, we will have to rearrange your appointment.

Chivalry hasn't died, but you'll be asked to hang/store any of your own coats/brollies/other belongings.

Please wash your hands and/or use the hand sanitiser provided when entering and leaving the salon.

Please put on the PPE provided by your stylist and keep it on until the end of your service. We will then dispose of it appropriately.


We will be having to keep conversation to a minimum so our perspex face shields don't get too misty. I assure you, we've not lost our sparkling personalities.

We will only be taking card payments and, where possible, please use the wizardry that is contactless.

To reduce your time in the salon and people grouping at the desk, we will ask you to make any further bookings online or through the app. Where this isn't an option, leave your details with your stylist and we'll call you to arrange further appointments.

Additional information:

There will be an additional charge of £3.50 for the PPE we provide you, with fifty pence of this going to an NHS charity.

All discounts are temporarily frozen for a short period of time. This includes our 'Colour Thursday' offer. We hope you can understand why we need to temporarily pause this.

Please come alone. Whilst we love how sociable our salon usually is, we need to strictly keep to a 1:1 ratio of clients to staff. Unfortunately, for the time being, this means we won't be able to offer haircuts to the under twelves, due to them needing to be accompanied. We look forward to seeing our younger fans, as soon as it's deemed safe to do so!

Our hours are changing so we can accommodate everyone safely - The salon will be open Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm and Saturdays 8am to 8pm, with stylists working on 6 hour shift patterns over the 6 days. Hopefully the bags under our eyes will be concealed by the face shields...

Some of this may change, depending on guidelines put out by the government or our governing body, but, as I said before, the measures we're taking now hopefully mean we won't have to do them for long. 


All of this is as unusual to us as it is for you, so please be patient with us. Above all else, we can't wait to see you again, Haywards Heath!

Love always,

your Marc Pearl team ♥️

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Update 18/05/2020


We hope you, your friends, and your loved ones are safe and well. Whilst we have all been going a little crazy in lockdown, I'm happy to say that all of our little salon family are fit (he says), healthy, and can't wait to get back to helping you folks look your best.

Based on Boris's recent announcement, we are keeping our fingers crossed for an opening date of 4th July 2020. Seems fitting that that's Independence day... <insert stirring Bill Pullman speech>

We've already made a lot of preparations, in order to keep you and us as safe as possible. As a team we are in constant contact and, not only following, but frequently preempting and going beyond the advice given by our governing body, The NHBF.

Salon life is going to be very different and I'd like to outline some of the changes that you will likely experience when we first see you:

  • We will be allowing extra time between appointments, so our working areas, tools, and anything you or we may come into contact with can be fully disinfected.

  • Our team will be wearing disposable masks, gloves, and face shlelds at all times.

  • All clients will be provided with a PPE pack which will have a small charge of £3.50 with 50p of this going towards an NHS charity. Gowns and towels will be single use and disposed of after your appointment.

  • There will be no waiting area and, if required, clients will be asked to wait outside of the salon. In the unlikely event of a high volume of clients waiting, we ask that you stand at least 2 metres apart.

  • The team will be working in a shift pattern timetabled over a 6 day period to reduce the amount of people in the salon at any one time. This allows us to keep safely distanced, within the salon.

There will be plenty more changes, I'm sure, but for now I hope you can appreciate the lengths we are already going to, to keep yourselves and us safe. Hopefully the efforts we make in the short term mean we won't have to do it in the long.

Closer to opening, we will put out a more comprehensive guide to how we'll be working and what your appointment will entail. Please follow our social media channels and website for any further updates.

Stay safe. Your Marc Pearl team ♥️

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01444 453955  Haywards Heath

01444 523976  Cuckfield

46 South Rd, Haywards Heath RH16 4LA, UK


The Clockhouse, High St, Cuckfield, Haywards Heath RH17 5JX

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©2017 MARC PEARL HAIRDRESSING. Website proudly created by RustyB19s

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